Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dan and Amy-Best Friends

Words are not enough; but I can't not try- my love runs deep. It's hard to even say how grateful I am to have been Dan's wife and companion-best friend- for the last twenty years. It has been the most extraordinary journey I have ever had; harder than anything I have ever done; more exhillerating and more rewarding than anything I have ever experienced; Dan taught me how to live. He knew that facing opposition and the difficult things that came our way and learning from them (whether we succeeded or failed) is something that strengthens us and brings joy in life. And truly that is succeeding! For our children this has been indespensible. He was far from perfect, and he'd be the first one to admit that. But one of the things that is so amazing about Dan is that he was valiant in studying and seeking for truth and then standing for the things he believed were true. If he was aware that he was doing something wrong then he would figure out how and change it. When he would come up against something that didn't seem to "jive" with what was in his mind and heart, with what he knew and believed, and he would not hesitate to seek out the answer to that problem or issue. Dan wasn't afraid to try. But he also knew that as a mortal man he needed heaven's help and sought to have the Lord's spirit to always guide him. Though he had fears, he chose faith over fear and did not allow his fears to stop him from persuing what he knew was right and true. The fear always diminished and/or disappeared. Dan faced his imperfections and persued standing square before the Lord, accountable and clean. Dan's love for his Heavenly Father, his Savior, his family and his friends is his motivation in everything he does. He is one of my greatest examples and heros. We have had many pieces of heaven in our home and in our lives throughout our time together and I miss him deeply. I have all hope and faith that the atonement of Jesus Christ will take this really good yet imperfect family and plop us right back together at some point in the future and that we will proceed together to all happiness and perfection. May the Lord strengthen me so I can continue to truly live during the next period of time while we are apart. I love you Dan! - Families are forever... -Amy


  1. Amy, reading this made me cry. You and Dan are both incredible people, and yes, God will bless your family to be all together again one day. Until then, you are strong enough to hold the family together. I send my love, Paige.

  2. Amy, You are truly a hero to me. In every sense of the word! You have set an example of perseverance, strength, hope, testimony and forgiveness. i am so thankful to have seen you and Dan "in action" so many times as you raised you beautiful children, loved each other so much, and served the Lord faithfully! You are wonderful and beautiful truly from the outside all the way through! I am honored to call you my sister and blessed to have you as such a best friend! It is a gift to know we will always and forever have both!
    I love you Amy!!!
